Thursday, 10 July 2014

National Day of Commemoration, Sunday 13 July

The annual National Day of Commemoration, to honour all those Irishmen and Irishwomen who died in past wars or on service with the United Nations, will take place on Sunday 13 July. Ceremonies will be held in Dublin and in other locations in Ireland on that date.

The National Day of Commemoration Ceremony in Dublin will be held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin. It will be attended by the President, the Taoiseach, the Government and the Council of State, as well as members of Dáil and Seanad Éireann, the Diplomatic Corps, the Judiciary and Northern Ireland representatives.

The next-of-kin of those who died in past wars or on UN service and a wide cross-section of the community including ex-servicemen’s organisations, as well as relatives of the 1916 Leaders, have also been invited.

The ceremony will be open to the public and persons wishing to attend should arrive at Royal Hospital Kilmainham before 10:15 a.m. The ceremony will commence at 10:30am with a multi-faith service of prayer, after which the President will lay a wreath on behalf of the people of Ireland. A representative body from the Defence Forces will also be on parade.

Regional Ceremonies will also be held in the following locations on the same date. Members of the public wishing to attend should arrive from 30 minutes prior to the commencement times indicated below:

CORK: Fitzgerald’s Park, Mardyke, 11:00am
GALWAY: The Quadrangle, National University of Ireland, University Road, 11:00am
KILKENNY: Kilkenny Castle, 11:00am
LIMERICK: Limerick City & Council, City Hall, Merchants Quay, 10:30am
SLIGO: Sligo Borough Council, City Hall, Quay Street, 11:30am
WATERFORD: John Condon Memorial, Cathedral Square, 11:30am

Additionally, Mayo will hold its commemoration ceremony on Sunday 3 August at Memorial Peace Park, Castlebar, at 2:30pm.