Tuesday, 24 December 2013

UHF adds Church of Ireland records for Co Down

The Ulster Historical Foundation (UHF) has added more than 16,000 Church of Ireland baptismal records to its AncestryIreland pay-to-view database for County Down. The records were transcribed by Dr Brian Trainor, former Director of PRONI.

Registers for the following churches have been added:

Killinchy 1820-77 (418 records)
Blaris 1661-1720(7709 records)
Magheralin 1783-1870 (6628 records)
Bangor 1803-43 (1050 records)
Ballywalter 1845-75 (125 records)
Ardkeen 1746-1871 (541 records)

The UHF intends to add more Church of Ireland soon. These will be from the parishes of Antrim, Carrickfergus, Comber, Donaghadee, Down, Drumballyroney and Kilmore.