Friday, 29 June 2012

Second Clare Genealogy Conference announced

Following the success of the first Clare Genealogy Conference last October, a second event has been organised. It's not until April 2013, but it's worth getting flights/accommodation etc sorted early because this is an event not to be missed by those with Clare Roots. In fact, it's not just for those whose ancestors hailed from Co Clare. GATHERING THE SCATTERING has much wider appeal and reaches out to anyone of Irish heritage, wherever they live.

The conference will be held in Ennis on 6 April but there will be fringe events in the preceding days including a tour of the Local Studies Centre, a guided town walk, and a tour of the newly opened Ennis Friary. In addition, there will be two evening lectures. One on traditional Irish music, the other on Irish Soldiers in the British Army.

Confirmed speakers include:

Fiona Fitzsimons of Eneclann
Michael Gandy, Editor of The Genalogists Magazine
Catriona Crowe of the National Archives of Ireland
Eileen ÓDúill from Heirs Ireland
Steve Smyrl from Massey & King Ltd, legal genealogist (and Dead Money TV show)
Liam Curran, army historian.

Further details will be posted on the Clare Roots Society website in due course.