Thursday, 14 June 2012

Nearly 700 Certificates of Irish Heritage purchased

Official website
Since its introduction on 30 September 2011, some 682 Certificates of Irish Heritage have been sold, and a further 58 have been issued as promotional presentations (to the likes of President Barak Obama, Lord Sebastian Coe, and the actor Chris O'Donnell). These figures were provided by the Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Joe Costello TD.

At €40 a pop, plus €54 for framing and minus whatever for discounts and special offers, the project is not going to be bailing Ireland out of its current economic woes any time soon, but it's early days yet. Fexco, the company which operates the certificate programme on behalf of the Department, continues to raise awareness among the Diaspora of its existence.

The Minister added that 'follow-up contact with some of the early recipients has shown a very positive and emotional response, particularly as the certificate was an official recognition by the Government of the recipient's heritage.'