Friday, 2 March 2012

Updates from Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives have uploaded the following files to their free website in the last two weeks.

Derry/Londonderry Genealogy Archives - Military & Constabulary
1840-1841 Royal Irish Constabulary

Donegal Genealogy Archives - Military & Constabulary
1840-41 Royal Irish Constabulary

Dublin Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Mount Jerome, Dublin Dublin - Part 38

Fermanagh Genealogy Archives
- Education
Boys admitted into Charitable Charter School 1787-1933
List of National Schools in 1862

Limerick Genealogy Archives - Military & Constabulary
1840 & 1841 Royal Irish Constabulary

Monaghan Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Monaghan Town, Coolshannagh, St. Patrick's (CoI), Parts 1 & 2

Offaly (Kings) Genealogy Archives - Military & Constabulary
Kings 1840 & 1841 Royal Irish Constabulary

Wexford Genealogy Archives
- Cemeteries
Duncannon Fort Burials

Irish Genealogy Toolkit is the Research Help partner of IGP Archives.