Thursday, 1 March 2012

March diary of exhibitions, lectures and other events

All month: Irish History Month (UK based) A month-long celebration of language, music, theatre and fun. Details.

Friday 2 March: Irish Migration in Wales. A roundable discussion with principal speakers Dr Paul O'Leary, Dept of History & Welsh History at Aberswystwyth University, and Bronwen Walter, professor of Irish Diaspora Studies at Anglia Ruskin University. Beaches Hotel, Prestatyn. 2:00-6:00pm. Details.

Saturday 3 March and Sunday 4 March: Irish War of Independence Exhibition and Lecture, with the Irish Volunteer Commemmorative Organisation. 10:00am to 6:00pm,Best Western Perys Hotel (formerly Glentworth Hotel), Glentworth Street, Limerick City. Lecture with Tom Toomey, author of The War of Independence in Limerick 1912-1921. Entry €5pp or €10 per family. Enquiries to

Wednesday 7 March: Family history for beginners online, with Elizabeth Consiglia/Irene Costley. Newtownards Library. 10:30 to 12noon, and 2:00-3:30pm. Free.

Wednesday 7 March: Answering the Sick Call: Medical dispensaries and doctors in 19th-century Ireland, with Dr Catherine Cox, National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin. 7:00-8.30pm.

Saturday 10 March: Researching Your Irish Ancestors in New York City, 10:00am Westchester County Genealogical Society, Dobbs Ferry, NY

Saturday 10 March to 30 April: Titanic Belfast Connections Exhibition. Free. Linen Hall Library, Belfast.

Sunday 11 March: National Library of Ireland – Open Day. Carry out some genealogy research, look behind the scenes, discuss the workings of the Library with staff, take in the Yeats exhibition, explore Particles of the Past and drop into Cafe Joly for refreshments. 1:00pm to 5:00pm. All welcome. No booking.

Sunday 11 March: If maps could speak - the history of the Ordnance Survey in Ireland, with Richard Kirulan. Kildare Archaeological Society. 3pm. Kilcullen Heritage Centre. €5 including tea.

Tuesday 13 March: Some Sources for Family History Research in the City Archives, with John Grenham. Genealogical Society of Ireland. Dun Laoghaire College of FE, Cumberland Street. 8pm.

Wednesday 14 March:
The Gaelic World. Gordon McCoy of the ULTACH Trust traces the history and contemporary state of Gaelic languages from their beginnings in Ireland to their development in the Isle of Man, Scotland and Canada. 7.30pm. Free. Lisburn City Libary.

Thursday 15 March:
At the Crossroads - Newry from earliest times to present, with Tony Canavan. Newry City Library. Free. Booking required. 028 3026 4683.

Saturday 17 March: Cemetery and Headstone Research in Ireland. 11:00am Bethpage Public Library, New York.

Thursday 22 March: The Presbyterian Churches – a documentary record, with Valerie Adams. Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland. Belmont Prebyterian Church, Belfast. 8:00pm (preceded by Society's AGM at 7.15pm).

Friday 23 March: A Nostalgic Look at the Belfast Shipyards and Titanic. Part of the Take 30 series of digital film presentations. Killyneagh Library. 1.15-1.45pm. Free. Details:

Friday 23 and Saturday 24 March
: Conference: Gender and Irish Society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Moore Institute, NUI Galway. Details.

Saturday 24 March: My Ancestor was Irish, a half-day course with Michael Gandy. Society of Genealogists, London. 10:30am-1:30pm. For beginners and refreshers. Details.

Thursday 29 March:
Exploring Local History - Urban history. PRONI and OUI Lecture Series. 6.30-8:00pm. PRONI, Belfast. Free, but booking essential at

Thursday 29 March:
Digitising Early Medieval Ireland, with Dr Nora White, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. The Helen Roe Lecture Theatre, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin. 7:30pm. Details.

Saturday 31 March:
Tracing Your People, One-Day Family History Conference presented by Cork City and County Archives in association with the Cork Genealogical Society. Ambassador Hotel, Military Hill, Cork. 9:30am -4:30pm. Free. Details: (021) 4505876 or The event is part of the Cork Lifelong Learning Festival 2012.