Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Many Irish burial records in Deceased Online's release

Approximately 72,000 burial records for the older section of Overleigh Cemetery in the ancient northern English City of Chester have been added to the Deceased Online database.

This release of records datse from 1850 to 1953 (records for 1953 to October 2011, the Overleigh ‘New’ Cemetery, are already on the site).

The records comprise burial register scans and grave details; maps indicating grave locations will be added in the near future.

Overleigh Cemetery contains many historically interesting burials and beautiful memorials such as the celebrated ‘Queen of the Gypsies’, Mary Finney, and her husband Guilderoy Finney.

The Cemetery also has many records featuring Irish names so will be of interest to the Irish diaspora.

The total dataset for the council area, Cheshire West and Chester, now comprises over 200,000 burial and cremation records.