Friday, 16 September 2011

Yet more diary dates

Seems an exceptionally busy month, and I've just picked up on a few more happenings scheduled for the next couple of weeks. See separate entry for Culture Night events.

Tuesday 20 September: Foxrock Local History Club. Is Dev. turning in his grave? a lecture with Diarmuid Ferriter. Foxrock Parish Pastoral Centre. 8pm. €4.

Friday 23 September: Central Library, Waterford, Local Studies Room. Tracing your Irish Ancestors, a talk by John Grenham. 6pm. Free.

Friday 23 September: Launch of An Irish Village: Dunlavin, co Wicklow by Chris Lawlor at Rathsallagh Golf Club. 8pm.

Saturday 1 October
: Full day seminar on local history. Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse Street. 9.45-3.30. Free but booking essential. 01 674 4806.

Saturday 1 October
: Irish Genealogical Research Society's 75th anniversary symposium. Full day seminar: Some Irish comings and goings - Aspects of Irish Migration. Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BE. 10.00-4.30. £27 for members £32 non-members.