Friday, 30 September 2011

October dates

Saturday 1 October: The Rosscarbery Steam Engine aka Timothy Jerome O'Mahany. A plaque to honour West Cork's forgotten world champion runner, who defeated America's finest athletes, will be unveiled at his birthplace at 3pm.

Monday 3 October: Songs of Irish Emigration, an illlustrated lecture with Fred Freeman. Music Library, Central Library, ILAC Centre, Henry St, Dublin. Free. Booking essential. 01 8734333 or

Tuesday 4 October: A visit to Victorian Dublin, with Dr Seamus O'Maitiu. Council Chamber, City Hall. 1.10 to 1.50. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 4 October: Healthy or Wealthy? The third in a series of four lectures examining whether it was better to be healthy or wealthy in the 18th and 19th centuries, with archivist Joanne Rothwell. Cappoquin Community Centre, co Waterford. 7pm-8-30pm. Cost €5. Contact Name: Cathy McGrath, tel: 058 52746

Saturday 8 October: Irish Resources Online, with Chris Paton, at Dumfries & Galloway Family History Society.

Tuesday 11 October
: Court and Prison Records, with Brian Donovan. Genealogical Society of Ireland. Dun Laoghaire College of Further Education.

Tuesday 11 October: Healthy or Wealthy? The final lecture (in a series of four) examining whether it was better to be healthy or wealthy in the 18th and 19th centuries, with archivist Joanne Rothwell. Cappoquin Community Centre, co Waterford. 7pm-8-30pm. Cost €5. Contact Name: Cathy McGrath, tel: 058 52746

Wednesday 12 October: Post-famine perceptions of Irish landlords, with American historian L Perry Curtis, Professor Emeritus of History, Brown University. National Library of Ireland. 7pm. Free. No booking required.

Thursday 13 October
: Irish Resources Online, with Chris Paton, at EastAyrshire Family History Society.

Thursday 13 October: More historical houses in the Dunmanway area, with Maisie Culbert. Dunmanway Historical Society. 8.00p.m. Cox's Hall.

Thursday 20 October: The Irish Divisions at the Somme & Messines, with Noel Kane from the Somme Heritage Centre. Talk commemmorates the involvement of the 36th (Ulster) Divisions and the 16th (Irish) Divisions in the Battle of the Somme. Lisburn City Library. 7.30pm. Booking essential. 028 9263 3350.

Friday 21 - Sunday 23 October: Back to our Past. Ireland's very own genealogy exhibition. RDS. Advance booking tickets 5euros, on the day 10euros.

Thursday 27 October: Murder at Crebilly, with Brian O'Hara. Ballymena Branch of the Northern Ireland FHS. Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre. 7.15pm. Details Ballymena 0565 6854.

Thursday 27 October
: Church & Other Religious Sources for Irish Genealogy, NLI, Kildare St, Dublin. 10am-4.30pm. Fee. See following post.