Wednesday 7 September 2011

Three more for the diary

Here's a trio of events that somehow escaped my earlier diary listing for September.

Tuesday 13 September: One thousand years of East Cork Surnames, with APGI member Rosaleen Underwood. Cork Genealogical Society at the Cork Family History Centre, Sarsfield Road, Cork.

Thursday 15 September
: On the Edge of Darkness. The Presbyterian Community of the Laggan, East Donegal,1880-1973, with Rev Dr Brian Brown at Cregagh Presbyterian Church, Belfast at 8pm. Everyone welcome. Refreshments provided.

Wednesday 21 September: Tracing Northern Ireland Ancestors for Beginners, with Michael Gandy. Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London, EC1. Admission £6 (£4.80 for members). Details: 020 7553 3290.