Thursday, 6 April 2023

New Irish Genealogy Resources 2011-2023 ebook published

The latest edition of my ebook, New Irish Genealogy Resources 2023, has been published. As in previous years, the ebook carries brief details of Irish genealogy collections released since 2011, the year digitisation of Ireland's family history records really started to boogie.

Each entry relates to a release or update that was reported here, on IrishGenealogyNews, over the last 12 years and three months; the last entrant to this year's editon was The Donegal Vindicator, which I posted as having joined the BritishNewpaperArchive on 23 March, just two weeks ago today.

The format hasn't changed from previous editions. The first third of the ebook is arranged thematically – Birth, Marriages and Death records; census and census substitutes; military records; occupational records and so on. The second half of the book sees a county-by-county breakdown of local and regional (and some national) collections.

The new edition has been fully updated, with all links checked. The only significant difference is that I've removed many (but not all) illustrations; with so many additional entries from the last two years, the pagination was growing too fast and might have resulted in the pdf being 'overweight' by gmail's and yahoo's standards

It's the information on the pages, not the pretty pictures, that make the ebook useful to researchers, so the pix had to go. Regardless, this year's edition runs to 150 pages, up 20 pages on the previous edition (2021).

What hasn't increased is the price. New Irish Genealogy Resources 2023 is now on sale, exclusively from my website, for €9.20 / US$9.99 / £8.90, payable via PayPal.

To find out more and to buy the ebook, click the front cover image.


Testimonials received in the last few days, since the 'pre-order' copies were issued:

'Congrats on such a lovely looking publication. It could have been very dry and boring but somehow you made "lists" look great!'   DS, Australia

'I perused this quickly and saw several possible new sources. Hopefully, I will get to the bottom of my brick wall.'  MM, USA

'This is going to keep me VERY busy for some time. I hope the kids don't want feeding.'  SJ, UK