Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Ancestry adds fourth Irish medical collection from RCPI

Irish family historians with medical ancestors must be thinking Christmas lasts longer than it used to! After a debut collection – Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Registers, 1667-1920 – landed in the Ancestry database last October, a delivery in March brought Ireland, Apothecary Records, 1736-1920 and only last week another collection turned up: UK & Ireland, Medical Registers, 1859-1943.

And today, even more tinsel arrived in the shape of Ireland, Kirkpatrick Index of Physician Biographical Files, 1826-1952.

This latest collection provides information not only on Royal College of Physicians of Ireland members, but also on doctors across the island. It holds a total of 22,615 records relating to about 12,000 doctors and contains a mix of newspaper cuttings, manuscript notes and extracts from printed works relating to individual Irish medics.

The biograpical data it provides may include the following information: name, birth surname, alias, birthdate and place, marriage date and place, age at marriage, spouse's name, parents' names, place of residence, education year, death date and place and age.

An example from the Kirkpatrick Files is below. It relates to one William Tobin, who was born in 1847 and practised in Nova Scotia.

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