Friday, 20 January 2023

FMP uploads 200,000 death records from Northern Ireland & Britain

FindMyPast (FMP) has added 200,000 death records, mostly recent, for Northern Ireland, England Scotland and Wales. They are as follows:

  • Northern Ireland Deaths, 1998-2021: Some 2,052 transcribed records have been added to this collection, which now offers more than 94,000 records to search. They all give date of birth, age at death, place of residence and postcode of the deceased.
  • England & Wales Deaths 2007-2021: The lion's share of the new records (184,062) are from England and Wales and date from November 2020 to November 2021. The upload brings the total number of records in this collection to 3,461,272. Details given include place of residence, postcode, and full birthday.
  • Scotland Modern and Civil Deaths and Burials, 1855-2021: This big collection has been expanded with an additional 13,886 death records and now holds 3,396,724 records. Each record transcription typically provide details of residence, postcode district and precise birth date of the deceased.