Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Winter edition of Irish Roots magazine has been published

The winter edition of Irish Roots magazine has been published, and is, as always, an informative read full of articles about Irish genealogical sources, Irish political and social history, DNA, overcoming brickwalls, and how-to guidance for family historians.

Here's a run-down of the main features in this issue:

  • NOW is always the best time to draw your family tree!
  • Researching your ancestors in County Cavan 
  • Revolutionary era records at
  • Australian Irish connections - Modern (AU) censuses
  • DNA: What have the Vikings ever done for us?
  • A child’s Christmas in 19th-century Ireland
  • Where to visit when researching your ancestors in Ireland
  • A review of recent record releases and other developments

There are also comments and observations on the Irish genealogical community, news from Irish societies and organisations, letters to the Editor, a round up of newly published books, questions from readers and answers from professional genealogists, and much more.

Irish Roots is published quarterly and is available in print and digital formats, in single issues or on subscription, and in gift packs. To find out more, and to download a sample copy of this new edition, click the cover image.