Friday, 10 December 2021

Irish Genealogy Matters: news from Ireland's family history centres

The Irish Family History Foundation's occasional newsletter, Irish Genealogy Matters, has been very occasional this year. In fact, this is the first newsletter of a difficult 2021, when most of the IFHF's island-wide network of genealogy and heritage centres had to close their doors and keep them closed for many months until late summer.

Behind those doors, or, more likely, behind the home doors of centre staff and volunteers, transcription work and research commissions could still continue, of course, and resulted in more than 103,000 records from five counties being transcribed and added to the IFHF-managed database at

I've reported on all the updates here on IrishGenealogyNews as each instalment was uploaded, but if you missed those posts, you'll find the details in the newsletter.

Other activities at the centres are covered, too, including the opening of two newly built archive premises in Wicklow and Offaly, and restoration to Kilkenny's centre, and other news from around the IFHF network.

To download the pdf, click the cover image.