Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Three more Irish titles join BritishNewspaperArchive

It's been a long time since an Irish title was added to the online British Newspaper Archive (BNA), and inevitably, when one came along, three arrived at the same time.

The new additions, which are now available to search at both the dedicated BNA website and (if you have the right subscription) in the Irish Newspaper Collection at FindMyPast, are as follows:

Bankrupt & Insolvent Calendar, 1846-1866. Published in Dublin, this weekly paper proudly stated on its masthead that it was "read by Bankers, Insurance Companies, Merchants, Manufacturers, Members of the Legal Profession, and Capitalists generally in Ireland, England and Scotland and thus presents a valuable opportunity for advertising."

Ulster Football and Cycling News, 1889–96. This paper was published in Belfast on Fridays with 16 pages. In addition to reports of sporting events, it carried adverts for hotels, drinks, tobacco, pain relief ointments and medication, leisure entertainments and events, and sports outfitters. It also published future race and match fixtures.

Belfast Weekly Telegraph, 1872-1929. A more traditional title than the two mentioned above, the Belfast Weekly Telegraph was published in Arthur Street, Belfast, and carried national and international news as it affected the northern counties, as well as local news.

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