Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: February updates

Donnelly, Feeney and Danellwee headstone
in Drumcliffe Cemetery, Sligo.
Photo courtesy IGP-Archives & Kev Murray.
Click for larger view
A varied range of material was donated to Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives last month, as you'll see from the summary below.

FERMANAGH Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Lisnaskea Marriages (CoI) 1845-1921

GALWAY Genealogy Archives - Land
Encumbered Estate of Michael J. Brown Esq. partial, 1855

MAYO Genealogy Archives - Land
Encumbered Estate of George R Acton & Sheffield Betham, Trustees of Henry Shawe & Conyngham Jones, 1859

ROSCOMMON Genealogy Archives - Obits & Funerals
Funeral Entries: Jones, McDermott & O'Naughten (1636-39)

SLIGO Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Drumcliffe Cemetery - Pts 3 & 4 (Transcriptions added)

TIPPERARY Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Fethard Parish Baptisms (R.C.) 1817