Monday, 1 March 2021 redevelops website and database

The family-owned Irish Newspaper Archive has redeveloped its website and database. The process hasn't been without some difficulties over the last week or so, but the transfer to the new platform is now completed.

The redesigned platform offer a more user-friendly experience to customers, with much more precise information about each newspaper, including which editions are available in the archive. It will also provide a more secure website, as well as additional self-service online features.

The archive consists of over six million pages of newspaper content from titles North and South of the Irish border. Collectively, these papers span more than 279 years of publication. You can see the full list of titles here; Green text indicates titles accessible online, while Black text identifies those titles searchable only in public libraries and other partnered sites.

To help existing subscribers and new customers become acquainted with the new version of the site, some how-to videos are being created. The first, introductory, video can be viewed below or on YouTube.