Tuesday, 23 February 2021

RootsIreland adds more RC baptisms from East Galway

The East Galway Family History Society, which runs the East Galway genealogy and heritage centre in Woodford, has added more than 3,700 Roman Catholic baptisms from the parish of Glenamaddy/Boyounagh to its online database at RootsIreland.ie.

The parish's northern boundary constitutes part of Galway's border with County Roscommon.

These newly transcribed records date from 1838 to 1858, so that the entire span of baptisms available to search from this parish now spans 1838-1900. (Marriages, which were already available, date from 1838-1858.)

For a full menu of collections available in RootsIreland's East Galway database, tap the logo above.

For the main RootsIreland.ie website, click here.