Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: first 2021 update

Headstone to the Galligan family, in St Joseph's
graveyard, Dumkilly, Co Cavan. Click for larger view.
Photo courtesy of IGP Archives
Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives has added some new headstone photos and transcribed church records to its ever-growing database of volunteer-donated material.

If you have any files of records, photos of documents, or other material, please consider donating them to this worthwhile and popular project. If you don't have time to transcribe texts or headstone inscriptions, don't hold back on donation; just drop the administrator an email to check IGPA has a willing volunteer available!

This month's new files come from Counties Dublin, Fermanagh and Tipperary, as follows:

DUBLIN Genealogy Archives: Headstones
Kilbarrack Graveyard, Sutton (35 additional)

DUBLIN Genealogy Archives: Headstones
Mount Jerome Cemetery - Part 268, 269 & 270

FERMANAGH Gen. Archives: Church Records
Aghavea CoI Marriages 1845-1921
Mullaghfad, CoI Marriages, 1845-1916

TIPPERARY Genealogy Archives: Church Records
Fethard RC Parish Baptisms 1815-1816