Monday 1 February: Family History and DNA, with Martin McDowell. An online talk from Libraries NI. Free. For details and link, email 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
Tuesday 2 February: Connelly and the struggle for women's emancipation, Dr Sinead McCoole. Host: James Connolly Visitor Centre in Belfast. 8pm. Free on Facebook. All welcome.
Tuesday 2 February: An overview of FamilySearch for beginners. Host: FamilySearch. Free. Online Zoom lecture at 10am MST / 5pm Ireland (GMT). Details and registration.
Tuesday 2 February: The Tired, the Poor, and the Huddled Masses: U.S. Immigration 1820-1954, aimed at beginners. Free, online Zoom lecture at 10am MST / 5pm Ireland (GMT). Details and registration.
Monday 8 February: The Ballycarry DNA project, with Martin McDowell. An online talk from Libraries NI. Free. For details and link, email 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
Monday 8 February: Retail in Dublin City Centre, with Dr Mary Muldowney. Host: Dublin City Libraries. Free but need to register by email to 7pm. All welcome.
Wednesday 10 February: Irish women and the Great War, with Dr Fionnuala Walsh. Hosts: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Antrim & Down branch of the Western Front Association. 8pm. Free. All welcome. Book your place.
Wednesday 10 February: New York and the Great Hunger in Ireland, with Dr Harvey Strum. Host: New York State Library. 18:00hrs UTC. Free. Register for zoom, here.
Wednesday 10 February: Exploring the Elder family of East Donegal, with Dr William Roulston. An online family history talk from Libraries NI. Free. For details and link, email 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Friday 12 February: Burials and Society in Early Bronze Age Ireland, with Dr Cormac McSparron. Part of the annual HeroNI Lecture Series. Host: DfC Historic Environment. 1pm. Free. Details.
Monday 15 February: Irish Planned villages: forms and ideologies, with Miriam Delaney. Host: Kilrush & District Historical Society. Lecture on Zoom. Free. All welcome on a first-come first-served basis; follow this link to join the meeting at start time – 8pm.
Tuesday 16 February: Key sources for genealogy: census records, an online lecture via zoom. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 2-3pm. Free, but need to register.
Tuesday 16 February: Leaving Hearth and Home: 18th-century emigration from Ahoghill parish, with Natalie Bodle. Host: An Exploring your Roots lecture from Mid and East Antrim Museum & Heritage Service. 7pm. Online and free. 7pm. Details and booking.
Tuesday 16 February: Using Digital Archives for Historical Research, with speakers from Beyond 2022, Dublin City Library & Archive, National Museum of Ireland, and The Military Archives. A Zoom webinar from DRI (Digital Repository Ireland. 3pm to 4:30pm. Registration is free. Details.
Tuesday 16 February: Carrickfergus Churchyards: Stories behind the Stones, with Dr William Roulston. Hosts: An Exploring your Roots lecture from Mid and East Antrim Museum & Heritage Service and Ulster Historical Foundation. Online. 7pm-8:15pm. Free. All welcome. Booking and details.
Wednesday 17 February: Larne: A Port Town Case Study, with Dr William Roulston. Hosts: Mid and East Antrim Museum & Heritage Service and Ulster Historical Foundation. Online. 7pm-8:15pm. Free. All welcome. Booking and details.
Wednesday 17 February: Hospitaller Knights of St John in Carlow, 12th to 21st Centuries, with Dr Declan Downey. Host: Carlow Historical and Archaeology Society. 8pm. Free. All welcome. Details.
Wednesday 17 February: Using WikiTree, Anne Johnston. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. Zoom webinar. 2pm-3pm, with Q&A following. £10. Booking essential. All welcome.
Thursday 18 February: Clare and the War of Independence, with Dr Joe Power. Host: Clare Roots Society. 8pm. Free. All welcome. No need to register.Details.
Friday 19 February: Family Tree Maker – Basics and Benefits, with Imelda McVeigh Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. Zoom webinar. 2pm-3pm, with Q&A following. £10. Booking essential. All welcome.
Saturday 20 February: The Advantages of Y-DNA, with Martin McDowell. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. Zoom webinar. 2pm-3pm, with Q&A following. £10. Booking essential. All welcome.
Saturday 20 February: The Family History Show 2021, organised by Discover your Ancestors magazine and the Society of Genealogists. An online show featuring talks, Ask The Experts panels, 'exhibitors' from wide range of UK local family history societies. Early Bird tickets £6. On the Day tickets £8. From 10am to 4:30pm. Details.
Monday 22 February: Cathedral Hill, Downpatrick, with Brian Sloan. A Heritage from Home online event from Libraries NI. Free. One hour duration. All welcome, but you need to book by email to 1pm.
Tuesday 23 February: Key Sources for Genealogy - The Tithe System & Tithe Applotment Books. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 2-3pm. Free. Online. Fully booked.
Thursday 25 February: Wolfe Tone and the Hibernian Catch Club: Sociability in Revolutionary Ireland, with Professor Martyn Powell. Hosts: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and Ulster Society of Irish Historical Studies (USIHS). 7pm. Free. Need to register.
Thursday to Saturday, 25–27 February RootsTech Connect, an online genealogy conference hosted by FamilySearch featuring speakers from around the globe, and a handful of Irish-themed talks. Download the (long) list of sessions. Free. Details and registration.
Friday 26 February: The destruction and preservation of the records of the Department of External Affairs during the Second World War, with Dr Michael Kennedy. Online. 7pm. Free. Host: National Archives of Ireland. Need to register.
Friday 26 February: Why can’t you find your Irish ancestors? An online lecture with John Grenham FIGRS MAGI. Host: Libraries NI. Free. All welcome but be sure to book by email to 1-2pm.