Tuesday, 7 July 2020

€1m in funding announced for six Historic Towns

The Heritage Council, along with the new Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD, today announced funding of €1m to be shared by six historic towns.

This capital funding will help to provide jobs and economic stimulus through heritage-led regeneration and will aid the rebuilding of local economies with heritage as a focal point. The fund is from the Historic Towns Initiative, a joint initiative between the Department and the Heritage Council, and this year’s scheme follows successful programmes in both 2018 and 2019.

Sligo Town
The six towns are:

-  Tralee, Co Kerry.
-  Ramelton, Co Donegal.
-  Ballina, Co Mayo.
-  Roscommon, Co Roscommon.
-  Sligo, Co Sligo.
-  Clones, Co Monaghan.

They were selected following a competitive process inviting local authorities to propose projects for heritage-led regeneration in one historic town in their area.

Making the announcement, Minister Noonan said: “We are in unprecedented times and our communities have been confronted with challenges and hardships that are both unique and extraordinary. My hope is that funding such as this can, through heritage-led regeneration, bring economic benefits to our historic towns helping them to prosper once again.

“We wish to put built, cultural and natural heritage at the front of both Government policy and the recovery of the country and so I look forward to working with the Heritage Council and the Department on similar initiatives over the coming months and years.”