Monday, 8 June 2020

Summer edition of Irish Roots Magazine published

The Summer edition of Irish Roots, Ireland's longest established and independent genealogy magazine has arrived. As always, it's full of reviews, comment, tips and news about Irish family history resources, and articles to help you better understand the available records and develop successful strategies to use in your ancestral research.

The main feature articles are:
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  • Helpful ways to analyse your DNA results using the online cM tool
  • Tracing your County Laois ancestors.
  • Useful sources to help date your old family photographs
  • Tracing Irish Ancestry: A personal view from Brian Mitchell MAGI
  • The mysterious world of early handwriting, 1500-1700
  • Raising Holy Hell: The genealogical sources that uncovered the story behind a roadside cross
  • What's New? A review of recent updates and releases of Irish family history records
  • Reader Jim Waldron shares his genealogical resarch journey
  • And Another Thing: Genealogical comment and observations with Steven Smyrl FIGRS MAGI
  •  Q & A: Nicola Morris MAGI answers readers research queries
There are also letters to the editor; a Books Ireland selection; Irish Australian connections, loads of news and plenty more.

If you're new to Irish genealogy and Irish Roots, check out a free sample of the magazine here.

The publication is available in digital and printed format, and you can either buy individual issues or treat yourself to a subscription of one or two years. You'll find all the details by clicking on the magazine cover above.