Monday 15 June 2020

GRO Research Room in Dublin reopens with restrictions

The General Register Office Research Room in Werburgh Street, Dublin, has reopened to the public, but don't go popping along there at your convenience for the foreseeable future.

Following Government guidance, the Search Room has opened on an appointment basis only, and to say that restrictions are in place is to understate the limitation of the regime. Only one appointment is available in the mornings, and one other in the afternoon. The lucky researcher who scores the appointment will be facilitated with their research while ensuring physical distancing and a safe environment for both themselves and staff.

To book an appointment, email A member of staff will contact you.

While the appointment service is in operation, GRO staff are also offering an e-mail service via the above email account. You will need to provide sufficient information to allow staff to identify a specific entry from the index. The e-mail address is the same as that above.

For more information , see the updated GRO page at