Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: end of May updates

Hamill family headstone in St Patrick Cemetery,
Dundalk, County Louth. Photo courtesy of
IGPArchives and Tom McCaffrey.
Files uploaded to Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives in the second half of May are noted below.

As always, the photos, headstone and register transcriptions have been provided, free of charge, by volunteers in order to help other researchers.

You'll find a county-by-county breakdown of the all-Ireland archive at www.igp-web.com/IGPArchives.

LOUTH Genealogy Archives - Headstones
St. Patrick Cemetery, Dundalk Part 2 (Updated)

MEATH Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Athlumney Old Graveyard, Navan (M-W)
St. Columbanus - Right Side, Ballivor (Transcription)

MEATH Genealogy Archives - Headstones
St Loman's, Trim part 3 G-K. (Transcription)

TIPPERARY Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Fethard RC Parish. Marriages, 1820 and 1824