Arnold family, Kilbarrack graveyard, Sutton. Photo courtesy of Eadaoin Breslin and IGP Archives. Click image for full view. |
It's a win-win activity. Other family historians benefit from your time and efforts, while you get some healthy exercise and. if you can dodge the showers over the next week, some essential vitamin-D!
DUBLIN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Mount Jerome Little Angels, Part 2
DUBLIN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Kilbarrack Graveyard, Sutton (Updated)
LIMERICK Genealogy Archives - Miscellaneous
Return of Outrages in Co Limerick, 1845-1846
MEATH Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Ballymaglassan Church Cem., Batterstown (T)
Immaculate Conception RC, Ashbourne (T)
St James New Cem., Athboy Pt 2 (T completed)
St Loman's, Trim, Part 4, L-Mc (T)
(T = Transcription)