The National Heritage Week Awards highlight Ireland’s ‘heritage heroes’, and showcase the most engaging and innovative National Heritage Week events.

These were the award-winning projects:
The Heritage Hero Award: The Egan Family from Birr, Co Offaly. The Egan family are responsible for the survival of an extraordinarily rare, intact furnished farmhouse, near Birr, Co Offaly. They hold tours during Heritage Week every year to showcase the cottage with its wonderful fixtures and fittings. Bread was baked in the family tradition during the Heritage Week tours. Visitors to the cottage commented on the generosity and heart-warming hospitality of the Egan family and their appreciation for their traditional farmhouse as they shared family memories passed on from one generation to the next.
The Hidden Heritage Award: ‘Look-Out Post 76: An hut ar ghualainn an chnoic’ at Bloody Foreland, Co Donegal, organised by Vincent Breslin. This project explored the built and cultural heritage associated with Look-Out Post 76, which was constructed and occupied during ‘The Emergency’ (1939-1945). The event was narrated in Irish and shared previously undocumented stories from the families of men who had served in LOP (Look-Out Post) 76, alongside stories gathered from the local community. The event gave a unique insight into the role that the LOPs and the Marine Coastwatching Service played in defending Ireland’s coastline during this period in history. It featured a commemorative ceremony, where families of men who had served in the Coastwatcher’s service during this period were presented with certificates; and a small exhibition.
The Heritage Communities Award: ‘Rosses Radio: ‘Stories, Music and Traditions of Donegal’ in the Rosses, Co Donegal, organised by Rosses Radio. This project comprised two full days of heritage and pastimes-themed radio programming, bringing together heritage groups across the Rosses in west Donegal, and broadcast to Donegal Diaspora worldwide. The programming featured live interviews with local people engaged in heritage projects, new documentaries, features on local National Heritage Week events, and the history of the Donegal music scene, and sports.
The Cool for Kids Award: ‘Clara Bog Visitor Centre (NPWS); ‘Wildlife Detective for Kids’ at the Clara Bog Visitor Centre, Co Offaly, organised by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. This dedicated children’s event involved a group field exercise during which participants were invited to help solve a simulated ‘wildlife crime’. Each member of the group was allocated a role in investigating a mock unlawful hunting incident on Clara Bog Nature Reserve and was presented with a series of clues to help solve the crime. The event focused on promoting knowledge and respect for wildlife conservation, the importance of protecting Irish species and habitats, the Wildlife Act and the role of Wildlife Rangers at Clara Bog.
Le Chéile san Eoraip Award: ‘Myshall Muintir na Tìre - St Columbanus and the idea of Europe’ in Co Carlow, organised by Myshall Muintir am Tire, Carlow County Museum and the Myshall Community Centre. This lecture event and pop-up exhibition explored the influence of St. Columbanus, the Patron Saint of Europe, and native of Myshall, Co. Carlow; and the start of what became the European Union. The pop-up exhibition included photographic displays of intercultural visits between members of Myshall Friends of Columbanus, and Friends of Columbanus Francaise and Italy, with a focus on the Columban Way, which stretches from Myshall to Bangor, through England, France, Switzerland, and on to Bobbio in Italy.
Virginia Teehan, CEO of the Heritage Council, also announced that the theme of Heritage Week 2020 (15-23 August) will be 'Learning from our heritage', which will focus on heritage and education.
National Heritage Week is part of European Heritage Days – a joint initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Union in which more than 40 countries participate each year.