Monday 3 February: Michael Collins, a film screening, introduced by Dr Patrick Murphy and with Q&A discussion after screening. Host: Nottingham Irish Studies Group. Venue: The Nottingham Irish Centre, 2-4 Wilford Street, Nottingham, UK, NG2 1AA. 7:30pm to 10pm. Details.
Monday 3 February: A history of Lemon's Pure Sweets, with Cormac Moore. Host: Mondays at the Mess Series. Venue: Richmond Barracks (off Bulfin Rd, corner of Emmet Road (R810), behind St Michael’s Church), Inchicore, Dublin 8. 11am. All welcome. Tickets €5 which includes tea/coffee & scone can be booked through Ticketsolve.
Tuesday 4 February: DNA and Taking It Further, with Martin McDowell. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Tyrone Branch. Venue: Omagh Library, 1 Spillars Place, Irishtown Rd, Omagh BT78 1HL. 7:30pm. All welcome.
Wednesday 5 February: Fake News and Irish Freedom – the media, censorship, and propaganda 1919-1923, with Ian Kenneally. Host: Kildare Local History Group. Venue: Áras Bhríde (Parish Centre), Bride Street, Kildare Town. Refreshments served from 7:30pm; talk begins at 8pm. Free. All welcome. Details.
Thursday 6 February: Visualising the past: Waterford County Museum’s photographic archive, with William Fraher. Part of the Dunhill History Lecture Series XIV. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opposite the GAA grounds), Dunhill, Co Waterford. 8pm. Followed by a Q&A and light refreshments.
Saturday 8 February: Intermediate Irish Records, with Jill Williams FIGRS. Host: Scottish Genealogy Society. Venue: SGS Family History Centre, 15 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL, Scotland. 10am-noon. Fee: £10. Booking essential. One space remaining on 27 Jan.
Monday 10 February: Breaking Down Brick Walls, with Martin McDowell. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Newtownabbey branch. Venue: Drama Theatre, Glengormley High School, 134 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 5HP. All welcome. Free. 7pm.
Tuesday 11 February: Irish Internal Migration 1600- 2019, Dr Patrick Fitzgerald. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Lisburn branch. Venue: Bridge Community Centre, 50 Railway Street, Lisburn, BT 28 1XP. All welcome. 7:30pm.
Tuesday 11 February: Researching your Clan history using DNA and documentary records, with Dr Maurice Gleeson. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: DFEI, Cumberland Street, Dun Laoighaire. All welcome. Contribution €5.
Thursday 13 February: The history of Milltown Cemetery, with Tom Hartley. Host and venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 2 Titanic Blvd, Titanic Quarter, Belfast BT3 9HQ at 1.00pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book via eventbrite.
Thursday 13 February: Charles Newport Bolton (1816-1884) – artist, genealogist and historian of Waterford Harbour, with Julian Walton. Part of the Dunhill History Lecture Series XIV. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opposite the GAA grounds), Dunhill, Co Waterford. 8pm. Followed by a Q&A and light refreshments.
Thursday 13 February: Accredited Genealogists Ireland Open Day, for those interested in gaining professional credentials. Host: AGI. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast from 3:15pm. Those attending are invited to stay on for a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) session on Report Writing, which will be attended by Members and Affiliates. Booking not essential but would be appreciated to facilitate organisation of the event. Please email info@accreditedgenealogists.ie. Details.
Friday 14 and Saturday 15 February. Back to our Past and Genetic Genealogy Ireland. Venue: ICC Waterfront, 2 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3WH. 10am to 5pm. Two lecture streams: traditional genealogy and genetic genealogy, exhibition hall with vendors and family history societies and organisations, and all things genealogy. Free. Tickets and lecture schedules at backtoourpast.ie.