Monday, 17 February 2020

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: early Feb updates

Stone to Thomas Kiernan, born c1730.
Died 92 years old in 1821.
Ballyconnell, Co Cavan.
It's a small but well-formed bundle of records that's been uploaded to Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives in the first half of February.

It contains the following files:

CAVAN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Ballyconnell, Tomregan Parish Church (CoI) (UPDATE)

LEITRIM Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Aughnasheelin, St. Mary's (R.C.) Cemetery (200+ stones added to existing file)

WICKLOW Genealogy Archives - Vital Records
McGuirk Deaths in Civil Registration - 1864-1949

All the files have been contributed by volunteers and are free to search and view.