Tuesday, 19 February 2019

National Irish Studies Conference, Manchester, 9 March

Manchester Irish Education Group
The Manchester Irish Education Group (MIEG) will be hosting this year's National Irish Studies Conference on Saturday 9 March at the Irish World Heritage Centre.

The event will run from 9am to 4:30pm. Lunch and refreshments are included in the ticket cost – £25 in advance or £30 on the day at the door. For more details and to book, click logo, right.

The conference will feature:

The Victorian Convict Prison on Spike Island, Cork Harbour, 1847-1883, with Barra Ó Donnabháin
Waves of Tory: Patsy Dan Rodgers, King of Tory Island, with Jim Hunter

Charles O Neill, Victorian polymath and Irish Nationalist, with Francis Ó Neill
The Orange Order in the Northwest of England 1807-1939, with Mervyn Busteed

Original paintings by Patsy Dan Rodgers, King of Tory

Irish Book Stall

Venue details: Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way (off Queens Road), Cheetham, Manchester M8 0AE, UK. The modern building is next to Queens Road Metrolink Station on the Bury Line.