Monday 5 November 2018

NIFHS announce extra DNA class to meet demand

The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) runs a series of classes each spring and autumn to help family historians of all levels.

The DNA classes have been particularly popular and have booked up very quickly, so the society has arranged an extra beginners’ class, which will start this month.

It is aimed at helping people who have received their autosomal DNA results from Family Tree DNA, or those who have transferred in their results from other companies such as Ancestry, MyHeritage and 23andMe.

This three-session course will show researchers how to use the tools on the FTDNA website to further their family history and discover what steps can be taken to confirm relationships with cousins.

Martin McDowell will lead the classes, which will be held on three consecutive Mondays, 7pm to 9pm, from 19 November. The course costs £15, payable at the first session. To book, email See below for location details.

A recent course being presented by Martin McDowell at the NIFHS Resource Centre in Newtownabbey

There are still a few places on other courses/workshops starting soon, so if you want to grab a spot, book quickly. The courses are:

From Family Tree to Family History: Developing your family tree into a readable story. 3-week course held on Tuesdays from 6 November.

Sharing Your Family History. Using PowerPoint to create a “talking book” to share with your family. One classs, on Tuesday 13 November, 7pm.

All classes take place at the NIFHS Library and Resource Centre, at Valley Business Centre in Newtownabbey, just north of Belfast. There's plenty of free parking on site. For more details, see