Tuesday, 15 August 2017

New: Maynooth Studies in Local History 2017 - 2

Following on from the earlier blogpost – New: Maynooth Studies in Local History 2017 - 1 – please see brief details below of three more of this year's Maynooth Studies in Local History volumes, which have been published by Four Courts Press.

Each paperback has a catalogue price of €9.95 but is on sale via Four Courts Press for €8.95.

The tenement dwellers of Church Street, Dublin, 1911, by Janet Moody.

This publication explores a micro-community of 132 families living in the slums of Church Street, Dublin, using the 1911 census as main primary source. The street became notorious in September 1913 when nos 66 and 67 collapsed.

Focusing on the families living in nos 39–76 in 1911, the census enables these tenement dwellers to emerge from anonymity. The 66-page study reveals horrific child mortality rates, low levels of literacy, over-crowding, subsistence level incomes and much more.

Other records used to gain a glimpse into this world include prison and workhouse registers and newspapers. ISBN: 978-1-84682-645-0. Click image for more information.

The eighteenth-century landscape of Stradbally Hall, Co. Laois, by Clair Mc Donald.

This 70-page study examines Stradbally Hall’s landscape during the 18th century. It takes the perspectives of four diverse groups within contemporary society – the owners, tenants, cartographers and visitors.

The story begins with the Crosby family, who used the landscape to convey messages of power, rank, authority and taste, and moves on to explores the tenants’ role in the landscape’s emerging shape, form and character. It then examines the role of cartographers who delineated its lands and represented them in map form, and finally looks to the visitors who viewed, commented upon and depicted the estate as a product of enlightened culture and as a place for Queen’s County’s high society. ISBN: 978-1-84682-646-7. Click image for more information.

http://www.fourcourtspress.ie/books/2017/kerry-1600-to-1730/Kerry, 1600–1730: The emergence of a British Atlantic county, by Marc Caball.

Kerry’s coastal location within the north-western corner of the north Atlantic positioned it strategically within a wider sphere of unparalleled discovery, migration and demographic upheaval, trade and commerce, and cultural interchange during the period 1600 to 1730.

Viewed from a British Atlantic perspective, this 64-page study locates early modern Kerry within a transformative context of change. ISBN: 978-1-84682-642-9. Click image for more information.