Wednesday, 9 August 2017

1826 Church Census joins Emerald Ancestors database

Only a couple of weeks since its relaunch, Emerald Ancestors has updated its database with another record set. time it's an 1826 Church Census, and it lists more than 650 names from the congregation of the Newtownhamilton Second Presbyterian Church in the parish of Newtownhamilton, County Armagh.

The areas within the catchment area included Armagh Brague, Ballymoyer, Blackbank, Camley, Dungormany (Dongormally in Tullyvallen), Newtownhamilton and Tullyvallen.

The census lists all members within a household including children, and identifies the family's townland of origin. Occasional annotations on individual members of the congregation are also recorded.

Among the names noted in the census are: Allen, Andrew, Atcheson, Boyse, Bradford, Brown, Buchanan, Campbell (Cambel), Castles, Clugston, Cole, Conn, Crozier, Cully, Deaney, Dobbin, Donaldson, Glenny, Gordon, Graham, Hare, Horner, Ingram, Innis, Johnson, Kennedy (Kenedy), Maxwell, McCann, McCart, McClean, McConnell (McConnel), McIlroy, McRoberts, Melvin, Moore, Morrison, Nickle, Parr, Preston, Scott, Simpson, Sprott, Starret, Strain, Watson, West & Wilson.

Copies of the census extracts are available to members through the site's Look Up facility. They can also be found at PRONI under microfilm reference MIC 1P/443.