Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Ulster Historical Foundation seeks genealogical researchers

The Belfast-based Ulster Historical Foundation (UHF) would like to broaden its pool of genealogical researchers and is compiling a register of individuals interested in part-time research work.
Ulster Historical Foundation logo
Applications are invited from people with a genuine interest in family history who possess a working knowledge of Irish genealogical research sources and both strong analytical and writing skills.

Applicants should forward a CV with a covering letter outlining their experience and demonstrating how they meet the essential criteria for the position to: Ulster Historical Foundation, The Corn Exchange, 31 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LG, or, by 5pm (BST) on Friday 4 August.

The UHF is a long-established and highly-regarded educational non-profit organisation, and one of the principal genealogical research agencies in Ireland.

A full job specification and other details about this employed status ie not-freelance position can be found on the UHF's website