Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Joe Buggy reviews my new Irish Genealogy Guide

My huge thanks are due to ProGenealogist, author and blogger Joe Buggy for his detailed and positive review of my newly-released book The Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide – How to Trace Your Ancestors In Ireland.
Click to read Joe's review
Below are a few snippets to give you a flavour, but you can also read the full review on his blog by clicking the screenshot right.

"Santry's publication aims to give the reader 'a thorough grounding in genealogical techniques and point you [the reader] towards records you need to search, both in the United States and in Ireland.' It does not disappoint."

"Online research is now the starting point for many, so I was delighted to see Key Genealogy Principles in Chapter 2, where the differences between primary vs. secondary sources and original vs. derived sources are discussed. This chapter also stresses the importance of citations and research logs - concepts that many only discover after initial efforts turn into keeping track of hundreds of ancestors."

"[The] book has few peers when it comes to providing an in-depth discussion of [civil registration, church records, census records, and land/property] record collections and pointing out the various merits of each website that houses those records. This is an important feature for a genealogy research guide to have in the age of the researcher also being a consumer of subscriptions and pay as you go credits."