Thursday 8 June 2017

National Archives of Ireland 2017 lecture programme

The National Archives of Ireland has announced its 2017 Lecture Programme. It contains an interesting mix of genealogical and historical topics, and five of the lectures will be presented by members of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (MAGIs).

All lectures will be held at the Reading Room of the NAI in Bishop Street, Dublin 8, on Tuesday evenings starting at 6pm. All are welcome and no booking is required.

Here's the line-up:

27 June Tony Hennessey MAGI My ancestors were sent to jail – Hurrah!
4 July Brian Mitchell MAGI Irish emigration records: sources for researching an ancestor's migration from Ireland
11 July Georgina Scally MAGI Newspapers as a source for genealogical research
18 July Nicola Morris MAGI Tracing an Irish military ancestor: records for C19th and C20th British Army and Republican forces 1913-22
25 July Sandra Doble MAGI Researching your Church of Ireland ancestors
20 Sept. Dr Michael Kennedy Charles Doyle, an 1870s Irish Victorian cad, bounder, conman and convict
4 Oct. Dr Kate O'Malley Ireland, Egypt and India: 1919 an anti-imperialist turning point
18 Oct. Dr Emmanuel Destenay The frustrated return of WW1 Irish ex-servicemen