Thursday 29 June 2017

Free ebook explores the revolutionary sites of Rebel County Cork

A new and free book – Heritage Centenary Sites of Rebel County Cork – has been published by Cork County Council. by Rubicon Heritage, and with contributions from numerous individuals and archivists across Cork, the principal editor is Damian Shiels; many historians and genealogists will recognise Damian as the author of The Forgotten Irish – Irish Emigrant Experiences in America and The Irish in the American Civil War, not to mention his award winning blog,

As its name suggests, the new 242-page book covers the sites in County Cork connected to the revolutionary period. It is heavily illustrated and has ten chapters, and sets out the story of the county's history of conflict and rebellion prior to 1916, its involvement in the Rising, the county at war from 1918 to 1921, and the division of the county during the Civil War.

The book features thirty heritage sites across the county, each one telling its own story of involvement in the Revolutionary Era.

There is also guidance for readers wanting to explore their own family's experiences during the Revolutionary era.

The book was published in hard copy at the end of last year and is available to purchase in bookshops and heritage centres across County Cork (€10). It has now been made available as a free ebook (pdf) can be downloaded here.