Monday, 20 February 2017

Irish genealogy and history events, 20 Feb - 5 Mar

Monday 20 February: Genealogy information sessions, with Margaret Bonar and Elizabeth Craven. Morning venue: Raheny Library, Howth Rd, Dublin 5 from 10:30am to 11:45am. Afternoon venue: Donaghmede library, Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Dublin 13 from 2:30pm to 4pm. Free. Bookings to 087 6491605 or

Monday 20 February: Ordinary women in extraordinary times: Cork women in the revolutionary years, with Anne Twomey. Host: Muskerry Local History Society. Venue: Rugby Club, Ballincollig, Co. Cork. All welcome. Members free. Non-members €3. 8pm.

Monday 20 February: Fermanagh and the Boer War, WW1 and the Dublin Rising, with Seamus MacAddaidh. Host: Old Lisnaskea Past & Present. Venue: Castle Park Leisure Centre, Lishnaskea, Co Fermanagh. 8pm to 9:30pm. All welcome. £4 on the door.

Monday 20 February: On the Brink, with Brian McKay. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Larne Branch. Venue: Larne Bowling & Lawn Tennis Club, 112-120 Glenarm Road, Larne, BT40 1DZ. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 21 February: Last letters home: revealing Irish-American correspondence, culture & community in American Civil War pension files, with Damian Shiels. Part of the Modern Irish History - Culture, Place and Identity seminar series. Host: University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology. Venue: Room G13, Old Medical School, William Robertson Wing, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, UK. 6pm. No booking required. All welcome.

Tuesday 21 February: Medieval Cloyne, with Paul MacCotter MAGI; lecture marking the 40th Anniversary of Cloyne Literary & Historical Society. Venue: St Colman's Cathedral, Cloyne, Co. Cork. 7:30pm. After lecture at Harty's Restaurant for light buffet. Lecture free. Harty's €5 charge at the door.

Tuesday 21 February: Traditional hamlets in Ireland, with Dr Barry O’Reilly. Host: Tipperary Libraries. Venue: Tipperary Studies, The Source, Cathedral Street, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Lecture starts 7:30pm. All welcome. Free. Tea, coffee and refreshments serves before lecture. Enquiries +353 (0)504 29278.

Wednesday 22 February: Francis Smyth & Sons, umbrella manufacturers, with Gregory Young. The Old Dublin Society. Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive Conference Room, 138–144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. 6pm. Free. All welcome.

Wednesday 22 February: Open Genealogy Consultation, with Lisa Dougherty. Host and venue: Paul O'Dwyer Library, Irish American Heritage Museum, 370 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207 USA. 11am-2pm. Free. Book a consultation.

Thursday 23 February: Cillíní (Children's Burial Grounds) in the West Cork Tradition, with William Casey. Host: Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage. Vemue: The Parish Centre, Clonakilty, Co Cork. 8pm. Free. All welcome.

Thursday 23 February: The Hales brothers and the Irish Revolution, 1916-23, with Liz Gillis. Part of the 'Ireland and the World after the Rising’ Winter Lecture Series 2017. Host: Glasnevin Trust & Trinity College Dublin. Venue: Museum’s Milestone Gallery, Glasnevin Cemetery. Dublin 11. 7pm. Tickets €10. Details and booking.

Thursday 23 February: 'The past is another country': the boycott at Fethard-on-sea, 1957, with Eugene Broderick. Host: Dunhill History Lecture Series XI, 2017. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opp GAA grounds), Dunhill, Co Waterford. 8pm. €5. Lecture is followed by Q&A and light refreshments. All welcome.

Thursday 23 February: 1798 ‘Faithful to the Last’, with John Craig Lyttle. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena Branch. Venue: Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, BT43 5EJ 7:15pm. All welcome.

Thursday 23 February:  An Gorta Beag, the famine of 1879-1880, in West of Ireland, with Leo Finnegan. Host: Old Tuam Society. Venue: Tuam Library, High Street, Tuam, County Galway.  8pm. All welcome.

Saturday 25 February: Family history book sale. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. Surplus maps as well as books of interest to family and local historians will be available at reduced prices. Venue: NIFHS Library and Research Centre, Unit C4, Valley Business Centre, 67 Church Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, BT36 7LS. 11am to 2pm. Free parking. All welcome.

Saturday 25 February: Education in Ascendency Ireland, c1690-1745, with Rachel Wilson. Host: Education in the long C18th, Institute of Historical Research. Venue: IHR Seminar Room N304, Third Floor, IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1, UK. 2-4pm. Contact: IHR Reception,, 020 7862 8740.

Tuesday 28 February: Family history for beginners online, a workshop. Host and venue: Carnegie Library, Hamilton Road, Bangor, Co Down BT20 4LH. 11am to 1pm. Some basic computer skills required. Free, but booking advised.

Tuesday 28 February: Sinn Féin courts in West Clare 1918-1925, with Michael Nolan. Host: Kilrush and District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush, Co Clare. 8pm. Members free; non-members €5.

Tuesday 28 February: Death, ghosts & the afterlife in late Medieval Ireland, with Dr. Colman Ó Clabaigh. Host: Mallow Field Club. Venue: Social Services Centre, Mallow. Co. Cork. 8pm. All welcome. Admission €3.

Tuesday 28 February: Pre 1800 Records for researching ancestors, with Dr William Roulston. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. Venue: C. S. Lewis Room, Holywood Arches Library, Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 28 February: Researching your Castledermot family history, with Clem Roche. Host: Castledermot Local History Group. Venue: Teach Diarmada Community Centre, Castledermot, Co Kildare. 8pm. All welcome. Non-members €2.

Thursday 2 March: St James' Church, Stradbally and its environs, with Cian Flaherty. Host: Dunhill History Lecture Series XI, 2017. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opp GAA grounds), Dunhill, Co Waterford. 8pm. €5. Lecture is followed by Q&A and light refreshments. All welcome. Details of lecture series.

Thursday 2 March: Women of the Irish Revolution and India: Maud Gonne, Charlotte Despard Molly Woods, and the struggle for Indian independence in the 1930s, with Kate O'Malley. Last of the 'Ireland and the World after the Rising’ Winter Lecture Series 2017. Host: Glasnevin Trust & Trinity College Dublin. Venue: Museum’s Milestone Gallery, Glasnevin Cemetery. Dublin 11. 7pm. Tickets €10. Details and booking.

Thursday 2 March: Following the footsteps of the Cork Fenians – 150th Anniversary of the Fenian Rising, with John Mulcahy. Host: Blarney & District Historical Society. Venue: Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál (Blarney Secondary School), 1 Old Blarney Rd, Shean Lower, Blarney, Co. Cork. 8pm. All welcome.

Thursday 2 March: The Irish in London - Medieval/Tudor period, with Gearóid Ó Faoleán. First of The Irish in London lecture series. Host and venue: London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square, London NW1 9XB. 7pm. All welcome. £6 per lecture or £15 for the series. Booking.

Friday 3 March and Saturday 4 March:
Tracing Your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors, a two-day Ulster Historical Foundation Seminar, with Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt. Host: The McClelland Library. Venue: Irish Cultuarl Centre, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 9am to 5pm. Different topics each day. Register for one day or both. $40 per day for members; $45 per day for non-members; $10 for optional lunch per day. Advance registration required by 28 February (seating is limited).

Saturday 4 March: The fracturing of Christendom - The Reformation in Ireland 1530-1700, with Raymond Gillespie. Host & venue: Tipperary County Museum, Mick Delahunty Square, Clonmel, Co Tipperary. 10:30am. €5. All welcome. Seats allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 March: Genealogy Corner and talks at 50 Plus Expo. Host: Senior Times (S&L Promotions Ltd). Venue: City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork City. 11am to 5:30pm on each day. Details and free tickets.

Sunday 5 March: Discover Your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestry, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host & venue: Lakewood and South Hill Libraries. Venue: Pierce County Library, Administrative Center Library, 3005 112th St E, Tacoma, WA, USA. 1pm–5pm. Programme is full but you can register for waiting list here.