Monday, 20 February 2017

Images of Registry of Deeds books to 1805+ online

Following a small but promising initial upload in December* of images created from microfilmed copies of Registry of Deeds' Index Books, has added an even more substantial tranche of townland indexes, grantors indexes and memorial books to its online image collection called 'Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929'.

I estimate about two-thirds of the 2,686 microfilms held in this collection by the Family History Library can now be browsed by images.

They include the indexes and books of abstract up to 1805, and partial coverage past that date.

Such ready online access will be of huge help to those involved in the Registry of Deeds Index Project, and to Irish genealogists who know their way around this collection.

* See blogpost - item 7.