Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Ancestry World Archive Project: Irish School Masters

There's a lovely free curio coming our way from Ancestry's World Archives Projects in due course: Ireland School Masters and Mistresses,1826.

Currently being transcribed by volunteers, the source material is a Report from Commissioners into Education in Ireland in the stated year. The resulting index will include the name of the school master or school mistress, the name of the parish, and the name of the townland or other location of the school. Click the image, right, for a full size view of the pages being indexed. As the transcription is being done from printed type arranged in strict format, this is an ideal project for beginner transcribers with a familiarity of Irish names and placenames.

The Project was released only a couple of days ago and is already 25% through the Phase 1 keying stage. If you want to lend a hand, click the link above and become a volunteer. All World Archive Projects collections join Ancestry's database on a free to access (index-only) basis.