Thursday, 17 December 2015

New family history course explores the 1916 Leaders

When the New Year breaks, the 1916 centenary programme will be upon us. There will be many events and ways to mark the centenary, and here's one for those interested in how genealogy and family history can throw light on a crucial historical event.

Starting in the second full working week of the New Year, genealogist and lecturer Sean J Murphy will be presenting a new course exploring the family histories of the 1916 Leaders at University College Dublin. Here are the details:

The course will look at the Easter Rising's more prominent participants in terms of their family back grounds. Using genealogical and historical methodologies, delegates will examine the ancestral origins, social status, political affiliations, accomplishments, interactions and other aspects of the families of leading rebellon figures.

Those selected for special examination will be the seven signatories of the 1916 Proclamation – Pearse, Connolly, Clarke, MacDonagh, MacDermott, Plunkett, Ceannt – as well as the nine others executed – Colbert, Daly, Heuston, Kent, McBride, Mallin, O’Hanrahan, William Pearse, Casement. The backgrounds of MacNeill, de Valera, Collins, O’Rahilly, Brugha, Cosgrave, Countess Markievicz and Nurse O’Farrell will also be examined.

The course will be held at UCD Belfield on Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm, starting on 13 January and ending on 16 March. The course fee is €190.

You can find out more at (click on 'Lifelong Learning' and scroll down to AE-GN204), or contact Sean by email.