Friday, 20 November 2015

NIFHS announces its biennial writing competition
The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) has announced that the theme of its 2016 writing competition will be 'My Family Odyssey'.

Established in 2005, the competion is held every alternate year and is organised by the NIFHS Belfast Branch for all members of the Society. It attracts entries from all around the world and its purpose is to encourage people to write up stories about their family history, going beyond just constructing a family tree. Many of the previous winning articles have subsequently been published in the society’s journal North Irish Roots.

The theme will be highly relevant to members as migration has played an important part in the history of many families in the North of Ireland. Through the centuries many people left their homes in the hope of better opportunities in a new land, to escape religious or political persecution or simply in search of adventure, and in researching our family history it is important to understand the challenges and opportunities that migration has presented to our families.

The biennial competition is the brainchild of Belfast Branch member Anne Johnston, who has administered it since its inception. She said "I am delighted to be organising the competition again this year. I always look forward to reading the family stories that our members have uncovered. The prizes are attractive and I encourage you to enter."

Full details are on the NIFHS website. The competition is open to all NIFHS members, including new members. The winner will receive £100; runners-up will receive £60 and £40, and prizes will be presented at the 2016 AGM. Entries can be submitted by post or email and must be received by 3 April 2016.