Friday 13 November 2015

Irish in London needed for research study

Can you help? A research study being conducted by Lauren Coyne, an Irish student on the MSc Speech and Language Sciences course in University College London (UCL), needs willing participants from the London Irish community.

The study, which has been approved by the UCL Ethics Committee, is investigating accent change in Irish immigrants in London.

The first part of the study will take place between November and January (dates are flexible) and will require participants to:
  • Read a short list of words
  • Read some sentences
  • Read a short passage
Readings will be recorded and saved on an encrypted drive to ensure confidentiality.

The second part of the study will involve the same participants listening to a recorded speech sample and completing tasks based around this. This will take place in February – dates to be decided.

If you are interested in taking part, email to arrange a time, date and place for the recordings.

(Thanks to the British Association of Irish Studies.)