The MSPC is being released in phases on MilitaryArchives.ie and has already revealed fascinatingly detailed information about the ordinary people caught up in the Independence struggle and about life in early 20th-century Ireland.
The lectures are:
Tuesday 26 May: Women in the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection – A Reassessment and New Sources, with Cecile Gordon
Tuesday 2 June: The Importance of the Military Service (1916-1923) Pensions Collection - Understanding revolutionary Ireland and beyond, with Michael Keane
Tuesday 9 June: Establishing the Free State in conflict, 1922–1924, with Robert McEvoy
Each lecture will start at 1pm and will be held at Rathmines Library, 157 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6. Although they are free to attend, booking is essential.
See the series programme for more about the content of each lecture.