Friday, 19 September 2014

Irish family history courses in Arizona & Melbourne

Last week I published a list of Irish genealogy courses starting in Ireland over the next couple of weeks.

Here are a couple more courses starting shortly, but these will be held a bit further afield: in Phoenix, Arizona, and Melbourne, Victoria, to be precise.

Irish Genealogy Research, a six-week course to be held at the McClelland Irish Library, 1106 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
This course will be delivered by Robert M. Wilbanks and will focus on finding ancestors in Ireland. Held on Thursdays evenings (6:30pm–8:30pm), it will start on 2 October in the Library's Norton Room and will cover land divisions, census records, taxation and emigration documents, church records, and military records. It costs $70 for Library/ICC Members and $80 for Non-Members. More details and registration

Irish Family History, a four-week course hosted by the Genealogical Research Society of Victoria at the GSV Meeting Room, GSV Meeting Room, Level B1 / 257 Collins Street, Melbourne.
Four x 2-hour sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 7 October, 10:30am–12:30pm. The course will cover the recording and documenting of sources, land divisions, maps and gazeteers, church, civil registration, wills, census, and land records. The course costs $64.00 for GSV members, $128.00 for non-members. More details and registration.