Wednesday, 3 September 2014

FindMyPast adds Indian Mutiny Medal Rolls

FindMyPast has added the Indian Mutiny Medal Rolls, 1857-1858 to its database. The collection of 56,608 records were taken from the medal rolls held at the National Archives in England and those in the British Library Indian Collection.

In addition, details have been taken from muster books, casualty returns, despatches, Depot books and several other sources.

There are a good number of Irishmen to be found within this record set.

Here are some examples of what's within:
  • Dennis Kelly, a Trumpeter with the 8th Hussars (King's Royal Irish regiment), service number 314, was awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal and the Central India clasp.
  • Connor Gallagher, a Private of the 88th Foot (Connaught Rangers), service number 4800, was awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal and the Central India clasp. A note on the file says he died 21 May 1858.
  • James Gallagher, a Private of the 87th Foot (Royal Irish Fusiliers), service number 30, was awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal and was noted to be serving in Malta in 1869.
  • Denis Crowley, Private of the 87th Foot (Royal Irish Fusiliers), service number 2999, was awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal. Notes say that he'd previously been attached to the 69th Foot, service number 3385, and was discharged on 9 January 1861.
Some of the files record injuries received, cause of injury or death, or prior occupation of the soldier.
Find out more about the collection.

The Indian Mutiny was a rebellion that started within the British East India Company's army in the city of Meerut, in northern India, in May 1857. The conflict lasted about 18 months (peace was officially declared until July 1959) but its legacy is still felt in modern India. It led to the dissolution of the East India Company and the British began to rule the vast country through a Governor General as part of the British Empire.