Saturday, 26 February 2011

March dates for your diary

2 March: Lisburn Historical Society. Lisburn Linen Centre and Museum. The Flight of the Earls and the Ulster Planatation, with Roddy Hegarty. 7.30. Details 028 9262 1332.

8 March: Downpatrick Library, co Down. Genealogy for the over 50s – A Family History Course for Beginners , with Brian Watson. 10 week course for beginners. Tuesdays 2-4pm. Booking essential. Free. 028 4461 1448.

Saturday 12 March
: Dublin City Library & Archive, 138 Pearse St. Family History Day. 9.30-3.30. Billed as being aimed at beginner genealogists, but topics are rather more advanced than that suggests. Booking essential. (0)1 674 4806.

Saturday 12 March: Coatbridge Irish Festival, Buchanan Centre, Main St, Coatbridge, Scotland. How to use the Internet to research your Irish ancestors, with Chris Paton. Aimed at those new to Irish genealogy. 1pm. Free.

Sunday 20 March: Museum of Ireland, Turlough Park, Castlebar, Mayo. 2.30-3.30. The 1901/1911 Census of Ireland, with Catriona Crowe of the National Archives. Booking essential at

Wednesday 23 March: Ayrshire Federation of Family History Societies, Session House, St. Columba's Church, Largs, Scotland. Irish Resources Online., with Chris Paton. 7.30pm. Free. Details at

Thursday 24 March: Kerry Archaeological & Historical Society, Tralee Library. Medieval Nunneries. Lecture by Tracey Collins. 7.30pm.

Wednesday 30 March: Linen Hall Library, Belfast. Presbyterian Historical Society. Church Records for Family History, with Valerie Adams. 1pm. Free. Places Limited.