Thursday, 3 February 2011

February dates for your diary

Proof that Winter's hibernation is passed, this month's diary is a pretty busy one.

Monday 7 February: Beara Historical Society, Toomey's Lounge Bar 8.30pm. The Sinking of the RMS Leinster in 1918, by Dorothy Brophy whose grandfather died in the tragedy.

Tuesday 8 February: Genealogical Society of Ireland, Dun Laoghaire. RIC and Related Police Forces, by Jim Herlihy.

Thursday 10 February: Clare Roots Society, De Valera Library, Ennis.. 8pm. Presentation of the CIGO 2010 Award for Excellence in Genealogy, by Stephen C Smyrl.

Monday 14 February: Galway Historical Society, Harbour Hotel, Dock Road, Galway. Protestant Missions in Connemara 1846-1937, by Dr Miriam Moffat.

Monday 21 February: Lecale & Down Historical Society, Ardglass Golf Club. 7.30pm. Local herring fishing in the 19th and 20th centuries, by Vivian Pollock. Cost 2Euros.

Tuesday 22 February: Casteldermot Local History Group, Community Centre, 8pm. The Boer War and Co Kildare, by Liam Kenny and Brian McCabe. Cost 2Euros to non-members.

Wednesday 23 February: Carrickfergus & District Historical Society, Carrickfergus Town Hall, Dobbs Road. 8pm. The big houses of Carrickfergus, with Maud Hamill. Free.

Friday to Sunday 25-27 February: Who Do You Think You Are? Exhibition. Olympia, London. Tickets from £20 (advance) to £30. Details at