Wednesday 21 February 2024

The Connaught Journal joins IrishNewspaperArchives database

The Dublin-based Irish Newspaper Archives has added another title to its online database. It's The Connaught Journal, a regional paper published in Galway and also known as the Galway Advertiser.

It was published from 1754 to 1840 in the city's Cross Street Lower, a stone's throw from the Spanish Arch, and only a relatively small number of hard-copy editions survive. The holding now available at provides access to papers published in 1793, 1795 and 1828.

While this is a small holding, the newspaper gives us an insight into the Ireland our ancestors knew, and would have influenced their world view through its reporting of news and events in London and Europe and even further afield. It also published obitaries and local news of social and economic concerns. It also carried classified advertising, which can also be infomrative of the times.

The entire archive holds some six million pages of newspaper articles and other content from titles published across the island of Ireland. It is available on subscription and much of the holding can be accessed free at local libraries. To find out more, click the image.