Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Deansgrange and Shanganagh burial records join FindAGrave

Regular readers of Irish Genealogy News will remember this October's now-you-see-it-now-you-don't upload of more than 700,000 records relating to burials at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin.

For those who may have missed the story, here's the essence: a contributor to FindAGrave uploaded some 700,000 burial records to the free database. The source of the records was not, to my knowledge, made public. The Dublin Cemeteries Trust, who manage Glasnevin Cemetery and its pay-to-view database of records, demanded the contributor remove his uploads. This was promptly done. (See IGN blogposts here and here.)

Since then, the contributer known only as '!woowoo' has uploaded two new record collections to FindAGrave, adding 150,000 burial records. They are for burials at Shanganagh Cemetery (16,700 records) and Deansgrange Cemetery (134,250 records), both in south County Dublin.

These two record sets are already available, free of charge, via the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council website. Since there is no income loss involved, I think we can safely assume there will be no issue with their upload to FindAGrave, where they will reach a larger audience and benefit more researchers.

With thanks and a bow to reader KB